Kata Kunci:
Saving Matrix, Milk Run, Nearest Neighbour Dan InsertionAbstrak
PT Serambi Botani Indonesia merupakan perusahaan anak BLST (Bogor Life Science and Technology) yang bergerak dalam bidang retail dengan memanfaatkan hasil pertanian yang menyediakan berbagai produk lokal bekerja sama dengan UMKM binaan dan Alumni IPB University. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam metode penelitian ini adalah data kuantitatif. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk memperjelas efisiensi rute dengan perbandingan distribusi yang paling optimal dan mengetahui arah arah distribusi yang terjadi pada Serambi Botani. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pendekatan Milk Run dengan metode perhitungan Saving Matrix, Insertion dan Nearest Neighbor, besaran dihitung melalui efisiensi rute pengiriman dan kapasitas angkut. Pengambilan rute distribusi pada Serambi Botani didapatkan 4 titik yaitu Living World (Kota Wisata), AEON Garden City, Pacific Garden Mall dan Artha Gading Mall. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara perhitungan saving matrix dapat dihasilkan rute terjauh sebesar 71,7 km dan rute terdekat sebesar 26,8 km dengan hasil utilitas 100%. Metode Nearest Neighbour dari Gudang-Pacific Garden Mall-gudang sebesar 85,71% dengan jarak 174,5 km. Sedangkan rute Insertion ditemukan rute alternatif pada Gudang-AEON Garden City-Gudang sebesar 116,8 km dengan utilitas 50,00%. Penghitungan metode distribusi melalui pendekatan Milk Run PT Serambi Botani dapat melakukan efisiensi terhadap rute pengirimannya yang tidak hanya berdampak pada efisiensi waktu tetapi juga pada jarak yang ditempuh. Hasil selebihnya dijelaskan dan digambarkan dalam metode penelitian ini. Hasil selebihnya dijelaskan dan digambarkan dalam metode penelitian ini.
PT Serambi Botani Indonesia is a subsidiary of BLST (Bogor Life Science and Technology) which is engaged in retail by utilizing agricultural products that provide various local products in collaboration with fostered MSMEs and IPB University Alumni. The type of data used in this research method is quantitative data. The purpose of the study is to clarify route efficiency with the most optimal distribution comparison and to determine the direction of distribution that occurs in Serambi Botani. This study uses the Milk Run approach model with the Saving Matrix, Insertion and Nearest Neighbor calculation methods, the amount is calculated through the efficiency of the delivery route and transport capacity. The distribution route selection at Serambi Botani obtained 4 points, namely Living World (Kota Wisata), AEON Garden City, Pacific Garden Mall and Artha Gading Mall. The results of the study show that the calculation of the saving matrix can produce the farthest route of 71.7 km and the closest route of 26.8 km with a utility result of 100%. The Nearest Neighbor method from Warehouse-Pacific Garden Mall-warehouse is 85.71% with a distance of 174.5 km. Meanwhile, the Insertion route found an alternative route at Gudang-AEON Garden City-Gudang of 116.8 km with a utility of 50.00%. Calculation of the distribution method through the Milk Run approach of PT Serambi Botani can make efficiency on its delivery route which not only affects time efficiency but also on the distance traveled. The remaining results are explained and described in this research method. The remaining results are explained and described in this research method