Kata Kunci:
TikTok, Generasi Z, Kreativitas, Media Sosial, FenomenaAbstrak
Platform media sosial TikTok telah menjadi fenomena yang sangat populer di kalangan generasi Z, yang lahir dan tumbuh besar di era digital. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi peran TikTok dalam membentuk kreativitas dan koneksi positif di kalangan generasi Z melalui pendekatan studi literatur. Dengan mengkaji berbagai sumber literatur, penelitian ini berusaha memahami bagaimana TikTok mempengaruhi eksplorasi kreativitas, pembentukan komunitas, serta potensi monetisasi dan karir di bidang konten kreatif bagi generasi Z. Analisis terhadap jurnal, artikel ilmiah, dan laporan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa TikTok menjadi platform yang memungkinkan generasi Z mengekspresikan kreativitas mereka melalui berbagai genre konten seperti menari, bernyanyi, dan membuat sketsa komedi. Selain itu, TikTok memfasilitasi pembentukan komunitas berdasarkan minat dan hobi yang sama, serta mendorong interaksi dan koneksi positif di antara pengguna. Studi ini juga mengungkap bahwa TikTok membuka peluang baru bagi generasi Z untuk mengeksplorasi karir di bidang konten kreatif dan hiburan, dengan beberapa kreator berhasil menghasilkan pendapatan dari sponsorship, endorsement, dan penjualan merchandise. Namun, tantangan seperti persaingan ketat, keberlanjutan popularitas, dan masalah privasi juga menjadi bagian penting dari temuan penelitian ini.
The TikTok social media platform has become a very popular phenomenon among generation Z, who were born and grew up in the digital era. This research aims to explore the role of TikTok in shaping creativity and positive connections among Generation Z through a literature study approach. By reviewing various literary sources, this research seeks to understand how TikTok influences the exploration of creativity, community formation, as well as the potential for monetization and careers in the field of creative content for generation Z. Analysis of journals, scientific articles and research reports shows that TikTok is a platform that enables this generation to Z expresses their creativity through various content genres such as dancing, singing, and sketch comedy. In addition, TikTok facilitates the formation of communities based on shared interests and hobbies, and encourages positive interactions and connections between users. This study also reveals that TikTok is opening up new opportunities for generation Z to explore careers in creative content and entertainment, with some creators successfully generating income from sponsorships, endorsements and merchandise sales. However, challenges such as intense competition, continued popularity, and privacy issues are also an important part of the findings of this study.