Kata Kunci:
Financial Performance AnalysisAbstrak
This study was conducted with the aim of (1) To determine the level of PT Ampiraman Usaha Mandiri's ability to generate profits. (2) To determine the level of PT Ampiraman Usaha Mandiri's ability to utilize company assets. This study uses a descriptive method and uses data collection techniques in the form of observation, documentation and interviews. The analysis tools used are the Profitability Ratio (Return On Asset and Return On Equity) and the Activity Ratio (Total Asset Turnover and Fixed Asset Turnover). The results of the Analysis of Financial Performance Achievement of Profitability and Effectiveness of Asset Management of PT Ampiraman Usaha Mandiri from the results of the ratio calculation are in good condition, but when viewed from the increasing and decreasing trends that occur, the company's financial performance in the 2019 semester 2 period is in a less good condition where this is due to a decrease in the proportion of net profit to total assets and capital and Sales (service income) to Total assets and fixed assets which results in the ratio calculation value also decreasing.