
  • Syahriani Siregar IAIN Palangkaraya

Kata Kunci:

Innovation, Education, Educators, Staff, Competence, Multirole


This research aims to provide a comprehensive picture of innovation in the field of educational personnel. Educational innovation is defined as the application of new ideas or different approaches in the learning process to improve the quality of education. The concept of educational personnel innovation refers to creative efforts to improve the quality and performance of educators and educational personnel.  This research will discuss various forms of educational innovation, ranging from innovation in learning methods, use of technology, to curriculum development. Apart from that, the competencies needed by educators will also be discussed in an increasingly complex and dynamic era. Various types of educators and education personnel and their roles in the learning process will also be explained.  The importance of multiple roles and diverse competencies for educators and education personnel will be the main focus of this research. In the context of modern education, educators are not only required to master the subject matter, but also must be able to become facilitators, motivators and even counselors for students.


