Kata Kunci:
Virtual assistant, SIMFOKOM, Dialogflow, WhatsappAbstrak
This study aims to create virtual assistant services using the WhatsApp Center service at the SIMFOKOM Bureau by integrating virtual assistant with Dialogflow and WhatsApp API to facilitate the SIMFOKOM Bureau in providing information to Universitas Islam Riau students. The collection of frequently asked questions data was conducted directly at SIMFOKOM, which is quantitative data as part of the scope of this research. The application development method used is the waterfall method, with needs analysis conducted through interviews and observations to identify questions frequently asked by students. Software design is carried out using Context diagram, Hierarchy Chart, Data Flow Diagram, flowchart, and Software Architecture. Implementation and unit testing are carried out using Dialogflow tools and integration with WhatsApp. System testing is performed using blackbox testing to ensure that the system runs according to requirements. After testing, operation and maintenance are carried out to fix things found during development. The research findings indicate that the virtual assistant performs well as expected, based on blackbox testing and intent application testing, showing a 100% accuracy rate in providing appropriate responses.