Kata Kunci:
Political Communication, Digital Media, Digital SocietyAbstrak
The habit of Indonesian society in seeking information has undergone a shift. Previously, television and print media were considered as the primary means to access up-to-date information, but it has now changed towards a greater tendency to rely on digital media as the main source of information. This transformation is in line with the demands of the fourth industrial revolution, which requires society to be more digitally connected. The significant attention of the Indonesian people towards the internet has provided an opportunity for political actors to shift their focus toward using digital media as a tool for political communication. Through research using a descriptive literature study method, the researchers attempt to observe political communication related to current political actors in Indonesia through online news, academic journals, television news, and digital literacy. The study found that political communication built through digital media is more effective because political messages can be conveyed more easily due to Indonesian society's substantial attention to the internet. Additionally, using digital media allows for saving time and costs in delivering political messages. Digital political communication is not only useful for personal branding but can also be employed to resolve conflicts between the government and society.