Kata Kunci:
Air, neraca, penatagunaanAbstrak
Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui potensi air yang masih dapat di gunakan pada masa yang akan datang perlu disusun neraca sumber daya air. Secara geografis Kabupaten Kotabaru terletak di pesisir pantai, letaknya yang dekat dengan laut menyebabkan kabupaten Kotabaru mengalami kriris air bersih, selain itu, peningkatan kebutuhan air sebagai konsekuensi laju jumlah penduduk, konsumsi rumah tangga, produksi pertanian, serta kegiatan industri, peternakan dll harus di perhatikan, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisi neracapenatagunaan sumberdaya air. Neraca penatagunaan sumberdaya air ini berpedoman pada standar nasional indonesia (SNI) 19-6728.1-2022 tentang penyusunan neraca sumber daya-bagian 1: sumber daya air spasial dan SNI 6728.1:2015 tentang penyusunan neraca sumber daya-bagian 1: sumber daya air spasial.
This research aims to determine the potential of water that can still be used in the future. It is necessary to prepare a water resources balance sheet. Geographically, Kotabaru Regency is located on the coast, its location close to the sea causes Kotabaru Regency to experience a clean water crisis. Apart from that, the increase in water demand as a consequence of population growth, household consumption, agricultural production, as well as industrial activities, animal husbandry, etc. must be taken into account. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a balance analysis of water resource use. This water resources stewardship balance sheet is guided by the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 19-6728.1-2022 concerning the preparation of resource balances-part 1: spatial water resources and SNI 6728.1:2015 concerning the preparation of resource balances-part 1: spatial water resources.