
  • Istiqomah Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
  • M. Arjun Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
  • Ied Al Munir Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Kata Kunci:

Upaya, Kendala, Manfaat Pengembangan Siswa


Jenis penelitian ini penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah kepala Madrasah dan para guru-guru agama. Jenis pengambilan sampel untuk siswa adalah sampel yang ditargetkan. Sumber data primernya diperoleh langsung di lokasi penelitian, sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru Akidah Akhlak dan siswa serta arsip. Teknik pengumpulan data seperti observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu menjabarkan tiga permasalahan dari rumusan masalah yaitu: pertama, Upaya pengembangan kecerdasan spiritual untuk meningkatkan prestasi akademik siswa di Madrasah tsanawiyah negeri 2 sarolangun, diwujudkan melalui strategi pengembangan di Madrasah tsanawiyah negeri 2 sarolangun melalui penanaman nilai-nilai Islam. Kedua, Upaya pengembangan kecerdasan spiritual untuk meningkatkan prestasi akademik siswa di Madrasah tsanawiyah negeri 2 sarolangun melalui aktivitas-aktivitas islam. Kemudian Kendala Upaya pengembangan kecerdasan spiritual untuk meningkatkan prestasi akademik siswa di Madrasah tsanawiyah negeri 2 sarolangun, dalam membina pengembangan kecerdasan spiritual yaitu, Pertama, kurangnya sarana prasarana yang mendukung, dorongan/motivasi dari orang tua tentang keagamaan, Ketiga, kurangnya kesadaran diri, dan Keempat, kurangnya kemampuan siswa dalam membagi waktu, serta hasil peneliti membahas tentang Manfaat dari pengembangan kecedasan spiritual bagi siswa ialah Membantu siswa melihat hal-hal dari sudut pandang yang lebih luas dan kompleks.

This This type of research is called descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study were the heads of madrasahs and religious teachers. The type of sampling for students is a targeted sample. The primary data sources were obtained directly at the research location; the data sources in this study were school principals, Aqidah Akhlak teachers and students, and archives. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. There are several efforts used in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Sarolangun to develop spiritual intelligence: (1) Islamic values; (2) Islamic activities; and (3) Islamic symbols. Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Sarolangun: In the implementation of developing spiritual intelligence through Islamic religious education to improve student character, there are factors that hinder or become obstacles both internally and externally. Activities in schools that have become traditions are based on Islamic teachings, namely: (1) daily activities, including praying together (before and after studying), speeches, the duha prayer, learning to read the Qur'an (BBQ), and midday prayers. Constraints Efforts to develop spiritual intelligence to improve student academic achievement at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Sarolangun foster the development of spiritual intelligence, namely: first, a lack of supporting infrastructure; second, encouragement and motivation from parents about religion; third, a lack of self-awareness; and fourth, a lack of students' ability to share time. The benefits of developing spiritual intelligence for students are: first, helping students see things from a broader and more complex perspective; Second, by helping students think more clearly, Third, by making students' minds more calm, Fourth, opening insight and motivating students about how how to interpret life, Fifth, reduce the nature of egoism in students, Sixth, raise an attitude of respect for others by placing other people in a higher position than oneself, Seventh, realizing the importance of life values such as justice, honesty, Eighth, truth and honor, Ninth, by giving rise to an attitude of compassion towards others, Tenth, by bringing up an attitude of always being grateful for what one has, Eleventh, giving rise to a sense of love for oneself, Twelfth, others, and the universe, Thirteenth, being able to think positively helps you become a better person. Fourteenth, be able to become a complete person able to bang kit from failure and make students become wise people in living and responding to life.


