
  • Aryo Bismo BINUS University
  • Gregorius Ramothy BINUS University
  • Karta Jethro Daron Anugrah BINUS University
  • Ken Aryo Bramantyo BINUS University
  • Roderick Angelo Saputra BINUS University
  • Wilbert Giovanni Archie BINUS University
  • Aryusmar BINUS University
  • Murty Magda Pane BINUS University

Kata Kunci:

FDGIP, Kesehatan Gigi, Pemerataan, Pelayanan Kesehatan, SDG 3-C


Ketidakmerataan akses layanan kesehatan gigi di Indonesia, terutama di daerah terpencil, tertinggal, dan perbatasan, menjadi tantangan signifikan yang mempengaruhi kualitas hidup masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peran Forum Dentist Graduate Indonesia Pertiwi (FDGIP) dalam mendukung pemerataan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mengevaluasi kendala yang dihadapi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan meliputi wawancara dengan narasumber dan analisis data terkait distribusi tenaga kesehatan di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa FDGIP telah memberikan kontribusi nyata melalui program berbasis komunitas seperti edukasi, pengobatan sederhana, dan pendistribusian tenaga kesehatan. Namun, kendala seperti sulitnya perizinan dan rendahnya kesejahteraan tenaga medis menjadi hambatan utama. Penelitian ini menegaskan pentingnya dukungan pemerintah dalam memperbaiki kesejahteraan tenaga kesehatan serta penyederhanaan proses administrasi. Dengan penguatan kolaborasi dan inovasi program, diharapkan akses layanan kesehatan gigi dapat merata dan berkelanjutan, sehingga mendukung tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan, khususnya SDG 3-C.

Inequitable access to dental health services in Indonesia, especially in remote, underdeveloped, and border areas, is a major challenge that affects the quality of life of the community. This study aims to evaluate the role of Forum Dentist Graduate Indonesia Pertiwi (FDGIP) in supporting the equitable distribution of dental health services and to assess the barriers faced. The research methods used include interviews with resource persons and data analysis related to the distribution of health workers in Indonesia. The results showed that FDGIP has made a real contribution through community-based programs such as education, simple treatment, and distribution of health workers. However, barriers such as the difficulty of licensing and the low welfare of health workers are the main obstacles. This study underscores the importance of government support in improving health worker welfare and simplifying administrative processes. By strengthening collaboration and program innovation, it is hoped that access to dental health services can be equitable and sustainable, thereby supporting sustainable development goals, particularly SDG 3-C.


