Kata Kunci:
Motivasi, Hard Working, Smart Working, Kinerja SDMAbstrak
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis keterkaitan antara motivasi dengan hard working, smart working, dan kinerja personil kepolisian. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis hubungan antara hard working dan smart working terhadap kinerja personil kepolisian. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah explanatory research dengan populasi seluruh sumber daya manusia di Dirlantas Polda Jawa Tengah sebanyak 404 personil, dan jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 160 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode accidental sampling, sementara pengambilan data melalui kuesioner menggunakan pengukuran interval Likert 1 hingga 5. Analisis yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis adalah pemodelan persamaan struktural dengan pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin kuat motivasi, semakin tinggi tingkat hard working, serta semakin tinggi smart working. Selain itu, hasil juga menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi motivasi, semakin baik profesionalisme kerja. Budaya kerja keras dan budaya kerja cerdas yang baik berkontribusi positif terhadap profesionalisme kerja personil kepolisian.
This study aims to describe and analyze the relationship between motivation and hard working, smart working, and the performance of police personnel. Additionally, this research also aims to describe and analyze the relationship between hard working and smart working concerning the performance of police personnel. The type of research used is explanatory research, with the population consisting of all human resources in Dirlantas Polda Jawa Tengah, totaling 404 personnel, and the sample size used is 160 respondents. The sampling technique employed is accidental sampling, while data collection is conducted through a questionnaire using a Likert scale measurement from 1 to 5. The analysis used to test the hypotheses is structural equation modeling with a Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The research results indicate that the stronger the motivation, the higher the level of hard working and smart working. Furthermore, the results also show that the higher the motivation, the better the work professionalism. A good culture of hard work and a good culture of smart working positively contribute to the professionalism of police personnel.