Kata Kunci:
Code switching, Types, Functions, YoutubeAbstrak
The title of this study was Code Switching in Livy Renata Official YouTube Channel. This study focuses to analyse the types and thee functions of code switching in several videos on Livy Renata official YouTube channel. The data were taken from Livy’s utterances in selected videos. The collecting data process was done by applying the observation, documentation methods and note taking technique. The collected data then were analysed with Hoffman’s theory (1991) in order to answer the problems of the study, such as the types of code switching and the function behind the using of code switching in selected videos. This study was conducted through qualitative method. The analysis found that the types of code switching in selected videos were Intra sentential 8 data, Inter-sentential 6 and emblematic 4 data. Besides the types, the function of using code switching in selected videos in Livy Renata Youtube channel were 3 data showed that the switching was done for talking about the particular topic. Furthermore, the results showed quoting somebody else 1 data, 1 being emphatic, 3 interjection, and 3 of repetition.