About the Journal

About the Journal

Focus and Scope


  1. Health and Wellness: The primary focus is on the overall well-being of individuals, including physical, mental, and emotional health. This includes preventive measures, healthy lifestyle choices, and holistic approaches to health.

  2. Clinical and Research Advances: Emphasis on recent developments and innovations in medical science, including clinical research, new therapies, and breakthroughs in various health conditions.

  3. Public Health: Exploration of broader public health issues such as epidemiology, health policy, and the impact of social determinants on health.

  4. Health Behavior: Examination of behaviors and lifestyle choices that impact health, such as diet, exercise, substance use, and adherence to medical advice.

  5. Patient Experience: Insights into patient perspectives, experiences, and outcomes, including quality of care, patient satisfaction, and the impact of healthcare services on quality of life.


  1. Original Research: Peer-reviewed articles presenting original research findings related to health, disease prevention, treatment methods, and health behavior.

  2. Review Articles: Comprehensive reviews and meta-analyses summarizing and analyzing existing research on specific health topics or issues.

  3. Clinical Guidelines: Evidence-based guidelines and recommendations for clinical practice, aimed at improving patient care and outcomes.

  4. Case Studies: Detailed reports of individual or group cases that provide insights into unique or novel aspects of health conditions or treatments.

  5. Health Policy and Management: Analysis and discussion of health policy, healthcare systems, management practices, and their impact on health outcomes.

  6. Editorials and Opinions: Perspectives from experts and thought leaders on current health trends, challenges, and future directions in healthcare.

  7. Public Health and Community Outreach: Articles addressing community health initiatives, preventive programs, and strategies to enhance public health.

  8. Educational Content: Resources aimed at educating both professionals and the public on various health topics, including wellness tips and disease prevention strategies.

Peer Review Process

The authors of the article have to pay attention to the following editorial policy provisions:

  1. The manuscript that has been published or in the process of publication on another publisher may not be submitted. The author should confirm that the manuscript has not been published or in the process of being published by other publishers (in sealed).
  2. Manuscript submitted in digital form to the Editorial Board of Jurnal Inovasi Kehatan Adaptif (JIKA) using the online submission provided on this website.
  3. Upon acceptance of the Editorial Board, the manuscript will be explored in general. Scripts which are considered incompatible with the mission of Jurnal Inovasi Kehatan Adaptif (JIKA) will be rejected at this stage, and will be communicated immediately to the author and the reason of disapproval.
  4. Manuscripts that pass the general study will be sent to at least two reviewers (blind reviewer) to be formally studied.
  5. Based on reviewers' comments and recommendations, the Editorial Board will make and communicate decisions regarding assessed manuscripts (accepted without revision, accepted with minor revisions, major revisions accepted, rejected due to the quality of writing and rejected because of ethical reasons writing scientific papers).
  6. Revised manuscript must be returned to the Editorial Board within a predetermined time. If the revised manuscript is sent past the deadline specified, it will be treated as new submissions.

Publication Frequency

JIKA published 12 times a year.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publication Ethics Statement

JIKA managed by jurnalhst.com.  Editing in the publishing process of JIKA involves the role of Peer Reviewers. 

JIKA has a high commitment in maintaining the highest standard in publication, including by upholding compliance to publication ethics. For this purpose, the Publication Ethics of this journal refers to the Regulation of the Head of Indonesian Institute of Sciences No. 5 of 2014 on the Code of Ethics of Scientific Publications. The Publication Ethics, which is intended to respond to cases of ethical misconduct in publications, is developed in four ethical standards, based on the parties participating in the production of a journal, which are Ethical Standard for Journal Manager, Ethical Standard for Editorial Board, Ethical Standard Peer Reviewers and Ethical Standard for Authors.

When it comes to implementation, articles that show lacks of compliance to the Publication Ethics will be denied publication in JIKA. To prevent violations of the Publication Ethics, the Editorial Board applies software to detect plagiarism practices. In any case where violations of the Publication Ethics of a published article is detected subsequently, the Editorial Board will file a report to the appropriate authorities.