Kata Kunci:
BBLR, Hipotermi, KMC (Kangaroo Mother Care), LBW, HypothermiaAbstrak
Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah merupakan salah satu faktor konstribusi penyebab kematian bayi, terutama pada masa perinatal. PMK merupakan suatu cara khusus dalam merawat bayi BBLR dengan melakukan kontak langsung antara kulit bayi dengan kulit ibu yang berguna untuk membantu perkembangan kesehatan bayi melalui peningkatan kontrol suhu, menyusui, pencegahan infeksi, dan kontak ibu dengan bayi Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sejauh mana Penerapan Perawatan Metode Kanguru Untuk Kestabilan Suhu Tubuh BBLR di Ruang Perinatologi RSI Pekajangan. Penelitian studi kasus pada satu kasus bayi dengan BBLR yang diberikan perawatan metode kanguru. Perawatan Metode Kanguru memberikan hasil dapat menstabilkan suhu tubuh BBLR. Dibuktikan dengan pemeriksaan suhu tubuh sebelum dilakukan tindakan metode kanguru hari pertama suhu bayi 36,40 C dan setelah dilakukan tindakan perawatan metode kanguru suhu tubuh mengalami kenaikan menjadi 36,80 C. Dihari kedua sebelum tindakan suhu tubuh 36,70 C dan suhu setelah tindakan PMK menjadi 37,00 C. Penerapan perawatan metode kanguru dapat menstabilkan suhu tubuh bayi berat lahir rendah di Ruang Periantologi RSI Pekajangan. Perawat Ruang Perinatologi dapat rutin dan konsisten untuk memberi edukasi dan mengimplementasikan perawatan metode kanguru pada bayi dengan BBLR guna meningkatkan suhu tubuh bayi sehingga dapat menurunkan angka kematian bayi.
Low birth weight (LBW) babies are one of the contributing factors causing infant death, especially during the perinatal period. Kangaroo method of care is a special way of caring for LBW babies by making direct contact between the baby's skin and the mother's skin. This is conducted to help the baby's healthy development through improving temperature control, breastfeeding, infection prevention, and mother-to-baby contact. it aims to determine the extent of the implementation of the Kangaroo Method of Treatment for the Stability of LBW Body Temperature in the Perinatology Room at RSI Pekajangan. Case study research on one case of a LBW baby who was given kangaroo method care. The Kangaroo Method treatment provides results in stabilizing the body temperature of LBW. This was proven by checking the body temperature before the kangaroo method treatment was carried out on the first day. The baby's temperature was 36.40 C and after the kangaroo method treatment was carried out the body temperature increased to 36.80 C. On the second day, before the procedure the body temperature was 36.70 C and the temperature after the KMC prosedure was 37.00 C. The implementation of the kangaroo method of care can stabilize the body temperature of low birth weight babies in the Periantology Room at RSI Pekajangan. Perinatology Room Nurses can routinely and consistently provide education and implement kangaroo method care for LBW babies in order to increase the baby’s body temperature so as to reduce the infant mortality rate.