
  • Choirun Nabilah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Dwi Lorry Juniarisca Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Kata Kunci:

Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe TGT, Motivasi, Hasil Belajar, Passing Bola Voli


Analisis pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe TGT, serta persentase keterkaitan motivasi dan hasil belajar bola voli peserta didik. Metode analisis yang diterapkan merupakan jenis kuantitatif pada design One Group Pretest-Postest. Pengujian hipotesis yang telah dirumuskan terlaksana di SMP Wijaya Putra Surabaya. Cluster Random Sampling menjadi teknik penentuan sampel penelitian ini, dengan bantuan aplikasi online spinner yang dilakukan oleh guru PJOK. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan selama 5x pertemuan dengan melakukan observasi pengamatan, mendata, dan mendokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen yang berisi tentang materi dasar passing bola voli, berupa soal pengetahuan, asesmen kemampuan passing, dan tes motivasi. Jawaban hipotesis dapat diperoleh dari perhitungan statistik menggunakan teknik analisis pada software IBM SPSS 25, memperoleh data rinci menggunakan analisis deskriptif statistik, Uji data parametrik Shapiro-Wilk, Uji Paired Sample T-Test, pengukuran N-gain Score, dan pembuktian keserasian variabel pada Pearson Product Moment. Didapati hasil, terdapat dampak positif pada peningkatan hasil pemahaman di tahap penerapan Model Pembelajaran yang digunakan, namun juga belum secara konsisten mempengaruhi keefektifan pembelajaran pada motivasi belajar peserta didik, sehingga diketahui hubungan antara motivasi dan hasil belajar rendah. Simpulan dan saran dari analisis ini, perlu adanya evaluasi lanjutan untuk kelancaran dan penyempurnaan demi berjalannya suatu pembelajaran yang efektif.

Analysis of the influence of the TGT Type Cooperative Learning Model, as well as the percentage of the relationship between motivation and volleyball learning outcomes of students. The analysis method applied is a quantitative type in the One Group Pretest-Postest design. The hypothesis testing that has been formulated was carried out at SMP Wijaya Putra Surabaya. Cluster Random Sampling is the technique for determining the sample of this study, with the help of an online spinner application carried out by the PJOK teacher. The data collection technique was carried out for 5 meetings by conducting observations, recording data, and documenting. This study uses an instrument containing basic volleyball passing material, in the form of knowledge questions, passing ability assessments, and motivation tests. Hypothesis answers can be obtained from statistical calculations using analysis techniques on IBM SPSS 25 software, obtaining detailed data using descriptive statistical analysis, Shapiro-Wilk parametric data tests, Paired Sample T-Tests, N-gain Score measurements, and proof of variable compatibility on Pearson Product Moment. The results obtained, there is a positive impact on improving the results of understanding at the stage of implementing the Learning Model used, but it has not consistently influenced the effectiveness of learning on student learning motivation, so that the relationship between motivation and learning outcomes is known to be low. The conclusion and suggestion from this analysis, there needs to be further evaluation for the smoothness and improvement for the sake of effective learning.


